Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Easy does it....

As usual, I am reading more books than I can complete in, who knows how long. :)

Light reading:
VC Andrews- the Dawn Cutler series- On Secrets of the Morning as of right now
William Landay- Defending Jacob

Self care (lol I like this vs self help)

The Hormone Diet
The 4 Day Win
several menopause books
Sue Monk Kidd- When the Heart Waits

There is also the ongoing  educational stuff mostly bu John Holt. Several books in progress there....

That is my update.
How about yours?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oh Yeah!

I forgot I said I would post about the joint reading book yesterday!
As I've said before, I get a book for Grama and I to read each year at Christmas.  Of course, it will be May before we start this time, but anyways.  I had discussed with Mom what would be good to get this year and I mentioned The Feminine Mystique.  Turns out it's the 50th anniversary of the book and we thought it would be cool to get the outlook of multiple generations on what Betty had to say.
If you're interested, have a copy of the book ready maybe about mid-May and leave a note in the comments so we can know who to be in touch with when it comes time to discuss.
Happy reading!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hello? Is this thing on?

So what’s everyone been reading?

I’ve been absorbed in the Game of Thrones series for months and am sad to have finished the fifth book last night.  Especially sad because the next book might not be out for YEARS.

I’m not sure who else has read the series besides Karen, but if you haven’t, I definitely recommend.  Even though the author likes to kill off prominent characters.  You get over it eventually.

The way he writes chapters chronologically by character makes you want to gobble up pages like crazy – since something drastic might happen at the end of a chapter and then you need to read through several other characters to see how things turn out.

The author’s descriptions of arms and regalia and food and peoples are Tolkien-style extensive.  He has developed distinctive lands and races and factions, but holds everything together in the common cause: the game of thrones.

Again, I totally recommend.

Today I picked up a new book – the first in another recommended series – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  I figured I could get through the three books before I am home in May, at which time I’ll start a joint read with Mom and Grama and whoever else wants to participate.  Check in tomorrow for what we’ll be reading!

Monday, October 1, 2012


While returning the Tudor novels to the library, I picked up two biographies. One is an old one about Elizabeth I. It has that smell that comes from being around awhile. It kind of reminds me of the smell of Mammie's living room. Though very factual, it is surprisingly an easy read. I am only about 60 pages in, and find that there is a lot there to support the books from my last post.
The other is one on Louisa May Alcott. I wasn't going to bring this one home. I just saw it and peeked within. The author caught my attention quickly telling of her own experiences with "Little Women". I am through the introduction, and am hoping it continues to be interesting.

Did anyone read the "Shades of Grey" series? I have several people encouraging me, but I just am not finding it to be 'all that'.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

It Happened

I finished the books I mentioned in my last post, The Gifts of Imperfection and In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day.  I may have had quotes to share, but it was a long while ago that I finished them, so I don't remember what the quotes were.
I've also read Pilgrims: A Lake Wobegon Romance (fun read, I liked a lot of the humor) and Greygallows (an oldie but goodie Barbara Michaels book that I've read before at least once and just picked up as a quick read while in VT).  And I read Bloom again, because Tana asked to borrow it and I wanted a refresher in case maybe we wanted to chat about it... and because it's a quick, lovely read.
The most recent book I finished was Let's Pretend This Never Happened.  Mom bought and read it and gave it to Karen and Karen passed it on.  Because it's HILARIOUS.  Slightly offensive, yes.  But also super funny.
When I was in Vermont, Tana and I were talking about books and making suggestions and she said I had to read East of Eden.  I said it was funny she said that, because it was already on my nightstand.  So, that's what's next.
Anyone else?  (Nice to hear from Aunt Cindy!)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Tudors Series

I don't know that that is the "right' label, but I just finished the entire series of books by Phillipa Gregory.
The books were not written in order of the women's lives, so I did not read them in order. I read what turned out to be the last one first, and then the third one second. Then, I realized there was a whole series, so I began with the 'first' woman and ended with the last. You will see what I mean....

Last spring, I found  "The Constant Princess". A book about Catherine of Arragon. What a cool chick! I had no idea that she was Isabella and Ferdinand's daughter. (Go figure.) Then, I had my 'aha' moment. So,  I skipped "the Other Boleyn Girl" as I read it awhile ago.  I moved onto "The Boleyn Inheritance" which covered Anne of Cleves and Catherine Howard, as well as Jane Boleyn. That book only slightly mentions Catherine Parr. But, it ends with the death of Henry VIII. There were some lusty women back then.

"The Queen's Fool" begins with Elizabeth as a young girl living with her living stepmother and  her second husband. The book includes the rise of Mary, and the imprisonment of Robert Dudley and Elizabeth. The tale turns back and forth through the eyes of a 'holy fool' that serves both women. It was interesting to read the varied looks of these two historic figures.

"The Virgin's Lover" was by far the most captivating. I have heard of the likelihood of Robert Dudley and Elizabeth's affair. However, I had never heard of Amy Dudley. (She appears briefly in "The Queen's Fool".) The players in this book are all familiar, except those that Lady Dudley is involved with. There is much 'talk' of her heart ache and desire to win her husband back. She is a simple person, born and raised in the country. Her demise ends the relationship between Elizabeth and Dudley. Its turn of events has me at the library tonight, borrowing an older biography of Elizabeth.
Just wanted to share!
Oops! I forget to add that the last book in chronological order for the lives of these ladies is "The Other Queen" . I read that years ago as well.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Verdict for Snow Falling on Cedars

Hey folks, anyone there?

I finished Snow Falling on Cedars a few nights ago.  It's a beautifully written book with lots of wonderful imagery, detail, and emotion.  Also, a fun little tidbit: on the first page of the second chapter, they discuss the main happening of the book, which occurred on September 16th, and then just down the page they introduce a character named Abel.

Unfortunately, I didn't really mark where any of my favorite excerpts were.  Oh wait, I did find again one of the parts I really liked and was inspired by (this is just a bit what she says): "We bend our heads, we bow and are silent, because we understand that by ourselves, alone, we are nothing at all, dust in a strong wind, while the hakujin believes his aloneness is everything, his separateness is the foundation of his existence.  He seeks and grasps, seeks and grasps for his separateness, while we seek union with the Greater Life..." (p. 201).

As for what I'm reading next, I haven't really decided yet.  I've been staying up watching the Olympics the last few days, so I haven't read much before bed.  Except bits of The Gifts of Imperfection.  I guess that's what I'm reading now, though I have In The Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day next to my bed too, so I guess that will be next.

Anyone else reading anything good that they'd recommend... or that they think isn't worth a read?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Secret Scripture–Finished

I finished The Secret Scripture.  I was not surprised by the ending because I had already guessed it.  A little bit trite.  But some of the characters were very good and much of the writing was “luminous and lyrical,” as the cover says.

And although I think “scripture” is kind of a strong word, I do think what Roseanne wrote was sacred.  It was her truth, to the best of her knowledge, and therefore it was to be revered.

I posted a couple quotes in a comment on the post below, and here are some more I marked:

“But we are never old to ourselves.  That is because at close of day the ship we sail in is the soul, not the body” (p. 177).

“I would have if not happily, at least gladly, openheartedly, fiercely, finely, murdered him” (p. 226). <—EMOTION

Next I think I’m going to read Snow Falling on Cedars, another book from the pile I took from Karen’s books.  I hope everyone is enjoying some good reading!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Secret Scripture

For everyone reading The Secret Scripture, please use the comments of this post for “discussion.”  I think sharing of favorite excerpts and characters and details would be cool, but do as you wish… and hopefully don’t give anything away in case others are reading at a different pace!

Happy Reading!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Night Circus

I stayed up late last night and finished The Night Circus, which I borrowed from Karen.  It was fantastic and I totally recommend it.  A really cool concept with so much amazing imagery, all wrapped up into an excellent story.

I’ve also read The Help since I last posted here, which was also good, though I’d seen the movie and  so much of what happened in the book was known and anticipated.  And also Bloom, which is by a woman whose blog I read all the time and absolutely love.  The book was excellent, very moving, emotional, sentimental.  She has a wonderful way with words and with making the every day extraordinary.

Next, as seen below per Grama, I will be reading The Secret Scripture.  If you’re joining us, hopefully we can have some discussion on here.  On May 1, I’ll do a post and we can start a discussion in the comments, if that works for everyone?

Happy reading!